January and February took us underground and brought a lot of changes to Orangut, some good and some bad. But these two months also brought a smile to our and our users’ faces. So, we can finally say that 2010 has begun on a bright note.

January saw the launch of two new products: Orangut Subrooms and Orangut Events. Then we began our first word-of-mouth marketing campaign that ended in the last week of Feb and resulted in several Indian colleges and universities using our products for managing their events, fests, competitions and academic activities over the last two months. You can see a partial list here.

There was a time when we added 800+ users in less than a week. This has happened for the first time in Orangut’s lifetime of 9 months and proves that there indeed is a latent need for our products in the market. Several prestigious universities and organizations have expressed interest in Orangut and we hope to add them to our list of satisfied users very soon.

We’ve also sent out a survey to a few selected users who used Orangut in the last two months. If you happen to be one of them but did not receive our mailer for some reason, click on the following link to complete the survey:


Also, our team is growing. So if you are interested in interning with us or are simply interested in volunteering for Orangut’s cause, check this out.

That’s it for now. Until we write again keep experimenting with our products and whenever you have something to say or suggest, do write to us at feedback@orangut.in. After all Orangut is FREE and is here to cut out the unnecessary workload and bureaucracy involved in managing events.

Keep Smiling and Happy March 🙂